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The-Dream Accused of Rape, Sex Trafficking by Former Protégée

The-Dream Accused of Rape, Sex Trafficking by Former Protégée

The-Dream Accused of Rape, Sex Trafficking by Former Protégée. Terius Gesteelde-Diamant, better known as The-Dream, a prolific songwriter and producer for high-profile artists like Beyoncé and Rihanna, faces serious accusations of rape, sexual battery, and sex trafficking. The allegations, made by former mentee Chanaaz Mangroe, were detailed in a lawsuit filed on June 4, 2024, in a California federal court. The suit portrays a relationship filled with physical abuse, violent sexual encounters, and severe psychological manipulation.

Mangroe’s lawsuit claims that Gesteelde-Diamant, who has co-written hits such as Beyoncé’s “Single Ladies” and Rihanna’s “Umbrella,” lured her into an abusive relationship under the pretense of advancing her music career. She alleges that he promised to extend her international visa, write hit songs for her, and secure her a spot as the opening act on Beyoncé’s tour, only to control and exploit her.

The complaint provides disturbing accounts of Gesteelde-Diamant’s behavior, including instances where he allegedly locked Mangroe in a dark room and raped her repeatedly, left her naked and alone for hours, and choked her when she resisted his advances.

It also claims that he forced her to engage in sexual acts with other men across multiple states, an act that falls under the allegations of sex trafficking.

The-Dream has denied the accusations, calling them “untrue and defamatory” in a statement to The New York Times. He expressed his opposition to harassment and his commitment to supporting artists in their career goals, adding that he was deeply saddened by the allegations.

Mangroe’s complaint also implicates Gesteelde-Diamant’s label, Contra Paris, and Epic Records, accusing them of facilitating his alleged crimes. According to the lawsuit, these entities signed her to contracts they never intended to honor and provided financial support to aid Gesteelde-Diamant’s abusive behavior. The complaint states that despite the contractual obligations, Mangroe was left in the dark about her career progress and was eventually dropped by Epic Records when Gesteelde-Diamant failed to deliver her records.

The lawsuit, brought under a California law extending the statute of limitations for such cases, seeks to hold Gesteelde-Diamant and his associated labels accountable for the alleged exploitation and abuse. Mangroe is represented by Douglas Wigdor, a prominent lawyer known for handling high-profile sexual assault cases in the music industry.

Mangroe’s statement highlights the personal cost of speaking out, noting that the trauma she endured has derailed her career and life aspirations. “Choosing to speak out about the trauma I survived has been one of the most difficult decisions of my life, but ultimately, what Dream did to me made it impossible to live the life I envisioned for myself and pursue my goals as a singer and songwriter,” she said.

This lawsuit is not the first time Gesteelde-Diamant has faced allegations of abuse. In 2013, an ex-girlfriend accused him of strangling her while she was pregnant, though the case was dismissed.

It’s crucial for victims of sexual violence and trafficking to speak out and seek justice. Your voice can help prevent further abuse and inspire others to come forward. We must all stand against these heinous acts, support survivors, and promote a culture of respect and safety. No one should endure such trauma

Although The-Dream denies all allegations of rape and sex trafficking, calling them “untrue and defamatory.” He maintains his innocence. But let’s wait and see the more facts unfolded.

The allegations against The-Dream come at a time of increasing scrutiny in the entertainment industry over issues of sexual abuse and exploitation, echoing the broader #MeToo movement that has brought numerous high-profile figures to account. As the legal process unfolds, the impact of these allegations on Gesteelde-Diamant’s career and reputation remains to be seen.


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Written by Jamil Johnson