The heartbreaking incident of a Memphis child found dead inside vehicle. In August of 2022, Loretta Starks was visiting her daughter in Atlanta, Georgia, when she received a call from her son’s girlfriend informing her that her son, Kenneth Starks, who was 23 years old at the time, had not returned home that night.
She said that she did not get concerned until she attempted to contact Kenneth numerous times, and her calls were unanswered. Loretta and her daughter packed their belongings and drove back to Memphis the following morning.
“I’m on the road, and I’m praying that God please let me get on this road.” It’s merely instinct from a mother. “Something wasn’t right with me on that road,” she said.
By the time they arrived in Memphis, she had received another phone call, this time from the police.
“I’m thinking and thinking and thinking. I’m saying a prayer. I’m praying, but God is all-powerful. He let us go all the way to Memphis before the cops arrived,” Loretta said. “You never think that it’s going to be your house that they’re going to knock on that door and come in to say that we’re sorry to inform you that your child is gone.”
According to Memphis Police, her son Kenneth was in the driver’s seat of a vehicle in the 3000 block of Churchill Street in Parkway Village when he was shot.
MPD murder detectives arrived on the site and had to inform Kenneth’s mother of his death.
“He said that K.J. had been shot several times and that he was gone,” she told me. “I just want everyone to know that knowing he’s never coming back is the worst feeling you can ever have.” I’ll never speak to K.J. again. I’m not going to see him again.”
After hearing the gunshot that killed her son, his mother wants justice.
According to officers, numerous eyewitness heard gunshots.
“Wow, I heard four shots. It was around one o’clock in the morning. Tires screaming to a halt. It was just behind my home. “It was insane,” one witness said.
Loretta feels her son knew his murderer, and she believes her healing will not begin until the culprit is apprehended.
“I adore you, and I adore you. “If I could just see that smile at the end of that bed saying ‘Ma,'” she reflected.
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