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Tyrese addresses past comments regarding Terrence Howard: “That man did not take one role from me”

On Wednesday, August 28, Tyrese Gibson made a notable appearance on Shannon Sharpe’s “Club Shay Shay” podcast, engaging in a revealing conversation that lasted over two hours. The Watts, California native shared insights into various aspects of his career, from his memorable Coca-Cola commercial to his upcoming album, Beautiful Pain.

Towards the end of the interview, Sharpe brought up a previous interview in which Tyrese had discussed facing challenges in Hollywood due to his darker complexion. In that 2021 conversation with journalist Leah Henry, Tyrese had mentioned, “Terrence Howard has no idea how many roles that I was about to book, and they went with him because he’s the lighter-skinned Black man with the green eyes.” This comment had sparked a controversy, and Sharpe sought clarity on Tyrese’s stance.

In response, Tyrese took a light-hearted approach to the topic, jokingly referring to it as “algorithm Shannon,” hinting at how discussions can be manipulated or misunderstood. “I never said that,” Tyrese chuckled, addressing Sharpe.

 “You twisted my words. I ain’t got no problem with that light-skinned man. I ain’t clearing up s**t ’cause I ain’t talking ’bout that Black man and I don’t want my words to be twisted or misunderstood.”

Tyrese elaborated further, clarifying his original statement. “That man did not take one role from me. What I meant was, long before it was fashionable to embrace darker skin tones in Hollywood, lighter-skinned actors or those on that spectrum had more opportunities compared to us. I never claimed that Terrence Howard personally took any role from me. They never pitted Tyrese against Terrence.”

This explanation sheds light on the broader issue of colorism within the entertainment industry, rather than a personal grievance against Howard. Tyrese’s comment about the systemic preference for lighter skin in Hollywood underscores a recurring challenge that many darker-skinned actors face in securing roles and opportunities.

In addition to this discussion, the podcast episode also revisited Tyrese’s professional relationships and his recent work. The conversation touched on his collaboration with Terrence Howard in the 2022 action film The System, which marked their second film together after their 2005 project, *Four Brothers*. Reflecting on their shared experiences, Howard praised Tyrese for his evolution as both an actor and an individual.

“When I first became aware of Tyrese, I was an unknown actor, still making my way,” Howard recalled.

“At that time, I saw Tyrese emerge as this talented singer with undeniable charisma. Seeing him now on set for this film as a mature and responsible man has been a rewarding experience. His growth as an actor and as a person is remarkable.”

The episode of “Club Shay Shay” not only delves into the nuances of Hollywood’s colorism but also highlights the growth and achievements of both Tyrese and Terrence Howard. It’s a testament to the evolving nature of their careers and their enduring contributions to the film industry.

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Written by Anthony Peters