Young Thug found himself embroiled in an unexpected controversy on December 23, 2023, when a phone call he had with Instagram model Leena Sayed from 2022 was leaked online. In the call, Sayed expressed her desire to be with the rapper, but Thug, who was in a relationship with Mariah the Scientist at the time, urged her to move on. The situation became even more awkward due to Thug’s ongoing commitment to Mariah, and the leaked exchange stirred up online chatter and raised questions about Thug’s loyalty and intentions.
In response to the growing speculation, both Young Thug and Leena Sayed took to social media to clarify the situation, but their attempts did little to ease the mounting curiosity and rumors. Recognizing that the controversy wasn’t going to die down easily, Thug made an emotional post on Christmas Eve, offering a public apology to his girlfriend. Though he did not mention Mariah by name, it was clear that his message was directed toward her.
“Sorry to my baby for all this bullsht on the internet,” Thug wrote on Twitter. “Love u baby and fck em all we know what’s up with us!”
His words indicated that he was aware of the potential damage the leaked phone call might have caused, and he wanted to reassure Mariah about his commitment to her.Young Thug didn’t stop there. Shortly after his initial apology, he went on to express his deep affection for Mariah the Scientist, referring to her as his “twin” and declaring his love for her in an even more personal and heartfelt manner. “I love yo game more than life mommy,” Thug added, further solidifying his feelings for her. It was clear that the rapper felt the need to make amends in the wake of the controversy, and his public declaration of love was likely an effort to smooth things over with Mariah.
Despite his attempt to clear the air, the situation became more complicated when another phone call from Young Thug surfaced shortly after the leak of the Leena Sayed conversation. In this new call, Thug boasted to a friend about his frequent communication with multiple women. He claimed that, although he had recently been in contact with fewer women, he typically spoke to around ten women each day. “For the most part, I ain’t even been calling no other girls,” Thug explained to his friend. “I ain’t call no other girls in like a week. And I usually call at least 10 other girls when I get on the phone just to kill time.”
Thug went on to mention that Mariah the Scientist sometimes seemed overly concerned about him, stating that her affection for him was almost too much to handle. “She loves me too much,” he remarked. “Sometimes too much. [It scares me how much] because it’s like man if I do something, if I smack something or something like that, you’d probably be devastated.” These comments added fuel to the fire, as they painted a picture of a complicated relationship dynamic between Thug and Mariah, as well as raising questions about the rapper’s behavior toward other women.
The leaked calls have left many questioning Young Thug’s relationship with Mariah the Scientist and his involvement with Leena Sayed. Thug had previously denied any romantic involvement with Sayed, but the leaked call, coupled with his recent comments, cast doubt on his statements. As the public continues to dissect the details of the situation, many are left wondering if Mariah the Scientist will address the matter herself, or if she will remain silent amidst the ongoing controversy.
In any case, this incident has sparked a significant amount of public interest and scrutiny surrounding Young Thug’s personal life, and it seems unlikely that the situation will be forgotten anytime soon. The rapper’s apology and subsequent messages of love to Mariah the Scientist may help to quell some of the speculation, but only time will tell if the damage done by these leaked calls can be fully repaired.
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