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Kanye West Is Being Sued For Assault And Violence About An Alleged 2022 Incident

West Is Being Sued For Assault And Violence

Kanye West Is Being Sued For Assault And Violence About An Alleged 2022 Incident. A lawsuit for assault and violence has been filed against Kanye West “after leaving autograph hunter disfigured in the attack.”

Kanye West is being sued for assault and violence over an alleged 2022 incident that left an autograph seeker scarred.

The 46-year-old rapper, who recently apologized for a succession of anti-Semitic rants that cost him his lucrative brand partnerships, is stated in court records to have repeatedly hit Justin Poplawski when he asked for his signature.

According to documents acquired by the media, the alleged victim claimed to have been assaulted on January 13, 2022, while waiting outside a hotel for Kanye’s signature.

He alleges the “Heartless” rapper urged him to leave “before I beat you up”.

The rapper reportedly threatened to “make (an) example out of” Justin.

Justin had previously obtained Kanye’s autograph without incident and claims the singer then struck him and demanded, “So do you want to get attacked for real?”

After Justin demanded an apology for the initial hit, the father-of-four, who has four children with his ex-wife Kim Kardashian, 43, reportedly punched him many times more, “severely injuring him”.

Kanye then reportedly directed one of his friends to go to the residence and retrieve his children despite their obvious requests to stop.

The claimed victim is now demanding unspecified damages to cover medical expenses, lost wages, and mental anguish.

Kanye’s claimed assault was first investigated, but the rapper was not prosecuted because the Los Angeles City Attorney’s Office determined there was “no reasonable likelihood of conviction.”

The rapper’s lawyer, Michael Goldstein, told Page Six that the verdict indicated Kanye “did nothing wrong.”

He said, “Video and photographs provided to the City Attorney’s office confirmed that this particular individual followed my client to three different locations over a short period and ultimately waited for him at his hotel, where he approached my client at 3 am.”

The attorney said, “He once again entered my client’s personal space, which was unacceptable.”

There was no video of the alleged assault, but the media acquired footage of the aftermath, which showed Kanye ranting and an unnamed person lying on the ground.

Kanye could also be heard demanding a female staff worker to “get away” from him when she seemed to be trying to calm him.

The rapper informed ‘Hollywood Unlocked’ Justin “wasn’t a fan” but rather someone “taking autographs to make money on them”.

He would not confess to assaulting Justin and said, “It was 3 am in front of the warehouse, and this man just… he just had this genuine attitude, like, ‘Whatchu going to do? “And see that?” I’m simply telling you that the blue COVID mask isn’t stop that knockout. Do you know what I mean?”


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Written by Anthony Peters