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Van Jones criticizes left wing protesters who attacked Jews in L.A

Van Jones criticizes left wing protesters

Van Jones criticizes left wing protesters who attacked Jews in L.A. Van Jones, a prominent CNN commentator, has denounced the actions of far-Left pro-Hamas protesters who targeted Jews at an Israel real estate event outside a synagogue in southern California.

The incident, which occurred on Sunday morning, saw protesters gather in front of the Adas Torah synagogue, blocking entrance to the building and disrupting a peaceful rally by pro-Israel supporters.

Jones, known for his progressive views, was unequivocal in his condemnation of the protesters’ actions, drawing a clear distinction between protesting a policy and protesting a people.

“You protest a policy, not a people,” he emphasized, adding that the actions of the protesters crossed a red line. “You don’t bum-rush a Jewish neighborhood and run up on a synagogue. That’s not protesting a policy, that’s protesting a people.”

Jones also highlighted the context of the incident, noting that the neighborhood had already been traumatized by previous hate crimes. In February last year, two Orthodox Jewish men were shot in back-to-back hate crimes, leaving the community fearful and traumatized. “You’re dealing with a community that’s already traumatized, they’re already fearful. And then you go and you do something like this,” Jones said, his voice filled with outrage.

The CNN commentator described the incident as a “pogrom,” a term used to describe violent attacks on Jewish communities. He emphasized that such actions are never acceptable, regardless of political differences. “There are certain things you don’t do. You don’t run up on a synagogue with Israeli flags. If they did that, I’d be denouncing that too,” he said, highlighting the need for respect and dignity in political discourse.

Jones also addressed the complexity of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, acknowledging that it is a difficult issue with deep historical and political roots. However, he emphasized that this complexity does not justify bigotry and hate. “I think it’s a little bit naive for some people to think that if Israel would just suddenly stop doing what it’s doing, that rainbows and bunnies and sunshine would break out over the Middle East, it would all be fine,” he said. “The hostages have to be returned. People have called for a ceasefire, call for ceasefire on both sides. Hamas is still firing its rockets. They still have hostages kidnapped. So this is a complex issue.”

Despite this complexity, Jones emphasized that treating others with respect and dignity is never complicated. “How you treat your neighbors, how you treat people in your community, is not complicated,” he said. “You don’t run up on a synagogue with Israeli flags. Protest a policy, not a people. What we saw outside of the synagogue in LA is a pogrom.”

Jones’ comments have been widely praised for their clarity and moral courage. In a time of increasing polarization and hate, his words serve as a powerful reminder of the need for respect, empathy, and understanding. As he so eloquently put it, “You protest a policy, not a people.” Let us hope that his message resonates far and wide, inspiring us all to treat each other with the dignity and respect we deserve.


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Written by Anthony Peters