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Tiffany Haddish Enters A Not Guilty Plea In Her Second DUI Case After Pledging To “Get Help”

Tiffany Haddish Enters Not Guilty Plea

Tiffany Haddish Enters Not Guilty Plea in Los Angeles DUI Case. A pretrial hearing has been set for February 14 by the Los Angeles District Attorney’s office. In response to her DUI arrest over Thanksgiving weekend, Tiffany Haddish entered a not-guilty plea to two minor counts.

The Girls Trip actress, 44, was arraigned on Wednesday, and the Los Angeles County District Counsel’s Office informed the media that her defense counsel had submitted a not-guilty plea on her behalf. According to the agency, a pretrial hearing is set for February 14.

The comedian fell asleep behind the wheel of her Tesla, leading to her arrest in the early hours of November 24.  She was charged with one misdemeanor offense of operating a vehicle while intoxicated and another misdemeanor count of operating a vehicle with a blood alcohol concentration of.08%.

She was freed the same day and, according to a video made available to the public, made light of the incident when she appeared at the Laugh Factory in Long Beach, California.

She said, “I had prayed to God to send me a man with a job, career, preferably in a uniform, and I answered my prayers.”

In a media interview released on November 27, Haddish spoke candidly about the arrest and said it “will never happen again.” She said that after she fell asleep, her Tesla parked itself, but that when the Beverly Hills Police Department officers came, it was obstructing part of the roadway.

She told the source, “I’m going to get some help so I can learn balance and boundaries,” even though she claimed to be in “good spirits” after the event.

In an Instagram birthday tribute, which she posted on December 3, she echoed similar feelings, saying, in part, “Happy Birthday to me🎼🎶🎵🎶!!!!!. I am ready for my next chapter in life.” I’m excited to share the work I’ve been doing for my family and my real unicorns, and I have more songs and another book coming soon.”

In an exclusive statement to the media, Haddish said that readers would discover more about her “rollercoaster of success” in the book I Curse You With Joy, which is set to be released in May.

“I can’t wait to show my readers that just because I’m famous, it doesn’t mean I’m not a regular person by sharing with them the success rollercoaster I’ve been on. I find delight in life’s most difficult experiences, which you may all read about in my new book,” she said.

Haddish has been posting images on Instagram lately from her recent trip to Hawaii. She may be seen sliding down a water slide in a video she just uploaded. “No, life is not this all the time, but it is today,” she says to her supporters after the trip. Life as it is now. Each day is unique.


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Written by Jamil Johnson