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FBI Seizes NYC Mayor Eric Adams’ Electronic Devices Amidst Fundraising Investigation

Seizes NYC Mayor Eric Adams Electronic Devices

FBI Seizes NYC Mayor Eric Adams Electronic Devices Amidst Fundraising Investigation. In a surprising turn of events, FBI agents seized the iPhones and iPads of New York City Mayor Eric Adams on Monday night as part of an ongoing corruption investigation into campaign fundraising. The FBI’s approach involved stopping the mayor on the street, requesting his security to step aside, and temporarily confiscating two iPhones and an iPad, which were later returned.

Mayor Adams’ campaign attorney, Boyd Johnson, addressed the situation, hinting at the involvement of someone close to the mayor in possible impropriety. Johnson stated, “After learning of the federal investigation, it was discovered that an individual had recently acted improperly.”

Adams himself was a former member of law enforcement. In his confident statement, he kept his head up and said that he didn’t do any wrongdoing and thus he doesn’t have any problem fully cooperating with the law enforcement officers. Johnson emphasized the mayor’s prompt compliance with the FBI’s request, showcasing a commitment to transparency.

 FBI Seizes NYC Mayor Eric Adams Electronic Devices Amidst Fundraising Investigation. “As a former member of law enforcement, I expect all members of my staff to follow the law and fully cooperate with any sort of investigation—and I will continue to do exactly that. I have nothing to hide.” – Mayor Eric Adams

The revelation of the FBI’s action came after questions arose regarding a raid on the home of Adams’ chief campaign fundraiser, Briana Suggs. During his weekly meeting with reporters, the mayor faced inquiries about the raid but did not disclose the recent incident involving the seizure of his electronic devices.

Sources indicated that the information provided by Adams’ lawyers did not implicate Suggs but rather someone else within the mayor’s circle. The exact identity of this individual remains undisclosed, but it is believed that details about them were on one of the mayor’s confiscated devices.

Kean University Provost David Birdsell commented on the situation, noting that while there is no direct implication of guilt, the seizure of the mayor’s devices intensifies the scrutiny of his involvement. “Up until this moment, nobody had made any allegations about the mayor’s involvement…but now they’re seizing his devices,” Birdsell remarked.

Former U.S. attorney Zachary Carter shed light on the potential contents of the seized devices, stating, “Text messages, you will find. Emails, you will find. And just as importantly, you’re gonna find evidence of when calls were made or received and who made or received those calls.”

Despite the escalating investigation, Mayor Adams affirmed his commitment to upholding the law and cooperation.


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Written by Anthony Peters