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Navy Petty Officer Charged in Woman and Baby Slaying

Navy Officer Indicted for Murders

Navy Officer Indicted for Murders. The U.S. Navy petty officer was detained for conspiring to kill a Jamaican woman and her kid for a parliamentarian she dated.

Last Monday, 34-year-old Leoda Vanessa Bradshaw was accused of kidnapping and murdering 27-year-old Toshyna Patterson and her 10-month-old

Kingston Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions said in a press release that Bradshaw regarded Kingston East and Port Royal MP Phillip Paulwellas her husband because they had a kid.

The prosecution claimed SarayahPaulwell was Phillip’s daughter.

Bradshaw proceeded to Jamaica on Sept. 6 with three people to kidnap and kill Patterson and her child in vengeance, police said.

The men were her cousins Roland Balfour, Richard Brown, and Roshane Miller. Prosecutors said Bradshaw partly paid the men.

The statement said the males followed Bradshaw’s orders to kidnap and kill Patterson and her daughter from Sept. 6 to 9.

Authorities said the murder plot was executed on Saturday, Sept. 9.

Bradshaw took Patterson and the baby from Kingston in a black SUV and “subsequently delivered them to men, including two of her co-conspirators in St. Andrew,” the statement said.

“The Crown further alleges that Ms Patterson and her daughter were forcibly taken to an East Kingston area and murdered by these men with firearms,” lawyers claimed.

At a news briefing, Jamaica Constabulary Force Deputy Commissioner of Police Fitz Bailey said their corpses were burned and disposed of. He called it “one of the most painful investigations” the police have had.

Police didn’t identify the killings’ motive.

Bradshaw faced two kidnapping conspiracy, two abduction, and two capital murder counts.

Richard Brown faced two kidnappings, two murders, and two conspiracy counts.

Roland Balfour and Roshane Miller were charged with accessory beforehand to kidnapping and murder.

Indictments were heard last week at Home Circuit Court. After Oct. 13, Bradshaw and Balfour will appear in Home Circuit Court on Dec. 1.

Balfour will plead not guilty at trial, according to his attorney, Bert Samuels. He said the attorneys hadn’t gotten the entire case discovery.

Directing the matter to the Supreme Court accelerated it. Samuels continued, “The process is going quickly, and we hope to defend him at trial soon.”

The Navy identified Bradshaw as a Miami talent acquisition team petty officer. The Navy said it “takes all allegations of misconduct seriously” and works with investigators and law enforcement.

“The matter is under investigation by Jamaican authorities and the Navy Criminal Investigative Service.”

Paulwell said on Instagram Sunday: “The past few weeks have been extremely difficult for me as I grappled with my daughter and her mother’s abduction. I was praying for Toshyna Patterson and my daughter Sarayah’s safe return and am heartbroken at the news.”

He continued, “That anyone could murder a mother and an innocent baby is unimaginable, and my heart is heavy with sadness.” As a person, father, lawyer, and politician, I hope those responsible are punished thoroughly.”

He denied knowing Bradshaw and helped with the investigation.

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Written by Anthony Peters