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Keith Lee Exposes The Poor Service At Atlanta Eateries, And Black Twitter Rejoices

Lee exposed poor service at an Atlanta eatery

Keith Lee exposed poor service at an Atlanta eatery and Black Twitter rejoiced. Keith Lee, an MMA fighter and TikTok influencer, recently visited two popular Black-owned restaurants in Atlanta.

 Keith Lee exposed poor service at an Atlanta eatery and Black Twitter rejoiced. The restaurant, Old Lady Gang, owned by singer, actress, and reality television star Kandi Burruss, received incredibly polite but bad reviews from Lee.

Lee’s food review videos have become so popular that when he gets food from restaurants he wants to review, he places takeout orders and has one of his family members pick the food up so he does not receive any special treatment.

He prides himself on paying for his meals and delivering honest reviews that don’t disparage restaurants even when the service is poor.

When Lee showed up in town, it seemed that Atlanta restaurants would have been on their A-game when he showed up in town, but this was not the case for two of the more popular joints — Old Lady Gang, a restaurant owned by singer, actress, and reality television star Kandi Burruss, as well as The Real Milk & Honey — received incredibly polite but bad reviews from Lee.

Lee said he attempted to do a phone order at Milk & Honey, but a recording at the restaurant advised that takeout orders could only be done through DoorDash. When Lee attempted to use DoorDash, it said the restaurant was closed.

When Lee tried to place an order through DoorDash, he could not. At the restaurant, his family members were told that takeout orders are not done on weekends due to how busy the restaurant is.

When Lee entered the restaurant, he was told he could be seated in five minutes. Lee purposely asked how that was the case when people outside had been waiting more than an hour for a table and were told they would have to wait, so he once again declined to be seated and told the staffers he would go elsewhere for food.

The bad reviews poured in for both restaurants all across social media. People on Twitter and TikTok added their two cents and personal experiences to what Keith shared, and the consensus was that many Black-owned restaurants in Atlanta don’t quite have the “hospitality” part of the business down pat yet.

Keith Lee amplified the problems at these eateries on his platform. The owner of The Real Milk and Honey responded to Lee’s very polite and constructive criticism of his restaurant by posting a video where he claimed not to know who Lee was, even though his entire caption was dedicated to Lee’s review.

A post from an alleged The Real Milk and Honey employee also caught a lot of negative attention for being ablest and calling Keith Lee “autistic” in response to his review. To be clear, this is not how you handle criticism.

You should acknowledge his poor experience and discuss how you will improve. Attempting to “clap back” at someone who relayed their real experience with your establishment is childish and underscores the consensus that many of these restaurant owners in Atlanta are simply business owners; they are not in the restaurant or hospitality business.

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Written by Aliyah Collins