Jamie Foxx, the Oscar-winning actor known for his roles in Ray and Django Unchained, is seeking legal action after an unsettling incident at the Mr. Chow restaurant in Beverly Hills, California. On December 13, Foxx was struck in the face with a glass thrown by someone from another table. The 57-year-old actor was hit in the mouth and had to receive stitches for his injuries. This attack occurred while Foxx was celebrating his birthday with family and friends.
The incident began when a laser pointer was used to project an image of a penis onto Foxx’s dinner table. The prank upset the actor, who marched over to confront the individuals responsible. In response, a glass was thrown at him, striking him in the face and causing a laceration to his mouth. Foxx quickly received medical attention and was treated for his injuries.
Foxx is determined to ensure that the person responsible for the assault is held accountable. A spokesperson for the actor confirmed that Foxx is cooperating fully with the investigation and plans to press charges. The actor’s motivation to press charges stems from his desire to prevent such incidents from occurring to others.
“Jamie Foxx wants to press charges so this type of incident does not happen to others,” the spokesperson said.
At present, law enforcement has not made any arrests in connection with the incident. Authorities are still in the process of gathering evidence, including video footage from the restaurant, to help identify the person responsible. Police have not named any suspects publicly. However, sources indicate that they are seeking to speak with Jackass stuntman Jasper Dolphin, who was present at the restaurant that evening.
The upscale Beverly Hills restaurant is known for attracting celebrities, and the incident has raised concerns about safety and decorum in public spaces. Despite the disruption, Foxx’s family and friends were there to support him, and the actor has emphasized that he will not tolerate such behavior. His decision to pursue legal action sends a strong message that such violence should not be ignored, no matter who the victim may be.
Foxx, a Texas native, has had a successful career in Hollywood, with notable roles in films such as Ray, Any Given Sunday, and Baby Driver. Despite his fame, the incident at Mr. Chow highlights that even well-known individuals are vulnerable to unpredictable and unsafe situations in public settings. His willingness to pursue justice underscores the importance of holding individuals accountable for their actions, regardless of the circumstances.
The case has garnered attention on social media, with many expressing support for Foxx and condemning the violence. It has also sparked discussions about the importance of respect and safety in social environments, particularly in places frequented by celebrities. While the investigation continues, Foxx’s fans are eager for justice to be served and hope that this type of incident does not happen again.
As the investigation moves forward, law enforcement continues to interview witnesses and review available evidence. Foxx’s determination to press charges highlights his commitment to ensuring that public spaces remain safe for everyone, regardless of their celebrity status. The incident serves as a reminder that respect and personal boundaries should always be upheld, even in public settings.
“Jamie Foxx wants to press charges so this type of incident does not happen to others,” a source close to the actor said. With the investigation ongoing, authorities are working to uncover more details and identify the individual responsible for this violent act. The case will likely continue to develop as more information emerges, and it remains to be seen what the final consequences will be for the person involved.