A 10-year-old black boy delivered a heartbreaking speech about racism at an Oregon city council meeting, telling the audience that he’s been called the “n-word” and “monkey” by his classmates.
Gavin Alston, a fourth-grader from Redmond, Oregon, decided to speak out Tuesday following a vile incident that has made national headlines involving a dead raccoon that was left outside the office door of the city’s mayor with a message directed at a black councilman.
Reading from a sheet of lined notebook paper on which he had written his speech the night before, Gavin told the Redmond City Council that he has been subjected to racist treatment ever since he transferred to a new school
“Why should us black people suffer from racism, when there are other races doing murders.”
He said
“When us black people are showing respect, but we still get treated like c**p.”
Gavin said told the June 13 meeting that in the school he attends: ‘A lot of people have been calling me the N-word, or a monkey – even black boy.
“One girl said to me, “I would hit you, but that’s called animal abuse.”
A council official made the lighthearted comment before Gavin started speaking: “Well, you certainly cut down the average age of our speakers.”
Gavin decided to speak at the meeting after a disturbing hate crime against a black person occurred in the area the week before.
Mayor Ed Fitch arrived at work Monday morning and found that someone had placed a dead raccoon against his office door.
Mayor Ed Fitch arrived at work Monday morning and found that someone had placed a dead raccoon against his office door.With it, there was a racist note directed at Redmond City Councilor Clifford Evelyn, who is black.
Evelyn said: ‘This is a hate crime, plain and simple. I have complete confidence in the Redmond Police Department.’
The police are now investigating the worrying hate crime in the community.
Gavin’s mother Heather shared the live stream of her son speaking at the event, and wrote on social media: ‘I’m so proud of this young man standing up for himself and his people!!
‘My heart just melts. End racism.
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