
Black Panther Stuntman and 3 of His Children Die in Halloween Car Crash

Black Panther Stuntman and 3 of His Children Die

Black Panther Stuntman and 3 of His Children Die in Halloween Car Crash. Life is uncertain. It proves again that in heartbreaking accident took place on Halloween night. Famous movie franchise Marvel’s Black Panther stuntman Taraza Ramsess and three of his kids were killed in a car crash. This tragic event creates a somber environment in the premises of Hollywood.

Black Panther Stuntman and 3 of His Children Die in Halloween Car Crash. Ramsess’ mother expressed, “My beautiful, loving, talented son Taraja, along with two of my grandbabies, his 13 yo daughter Sundari, and his 8-week-old newborn daughter Fujibo, were killed the previous night in a horrific traffic accident.”

The stuntman, Taraza Ramsess, was renowned for his excellent role stuntmanship for the character of black panther which was portrayed by the late Chadric Boseman. During his professional career, he played his role as a stuntman for multiple action movie roles and showed great athleticism and professionalism.

On Halloween night, the stuntman was driving his car through Atlanta Street when this tragic event took place. Ramsess had five children. 3 of them were killed alongside him in the tragic car crash.

Officer Wells of DeKalb County, Georgia, stated, “Regarding the accident, the deceased victims have been identified as Taraja Ramsess (41-year-old male), Sundari Ramsess (13-year-old female), Kisasi Ramsess (10-years-old) and Fugibo Ramsess (1-month-old female).”

According to the investigators, Ramsess was driving a Ford F-150 going eastbound on I-20. When he took a turn to Wesly Chapel Road, a tractor-trailer collided with him. The cause of the accident is still unknown to this very moment.

This tragic event puts a flashlight into the face of inadequate road safety and the necessity of awareness among drivers. In a split second, a family was destroyed just because of a moment’s careless attributes.

As the investigation of Halloween night continues, the film industry and stuntmen community of Hollywood mourns the loss of a great artist who maintained professionalism throughout his career. This tragic event reminds us of the fleeting nature of this short life.

Ramsess, the stuntman of Black Panther may die, but he will remain in the hearts of the millions of Black Panthers across the world. To say the least, a true artist never dies.

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