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T.D. Jakes Refutes “Unequivocally False” Allegations That Went Viral, Alleging That He Assaulted People And Went To “Sex Parties” With Diddy

Bishop TD Jakes Reacts To Unverified Rumors

Bishop TD Jakes Reacts To Unverified Rumors That He Was Involved w/ Diddy’s Sex Parties. Regarding recent accusations on social media, well-known preacher TD Jakes advises followers to “log off.”

According to a recent unsubstantiated post on Tiktok, Jakes was a regular attendee of sex parties held by “Diddy,” the musician and businessman. It was also questioned what the minister’s sexual orientation was.

Bishop TD Jakes Reacts To Unverified Rumors . Jakes said, “Some of you come in to hear what I’m going to say out of concern,” while appearing to webcast his Christmas service on YouTube on Saturday.

You may all log off if you think I will confront a falsehood. “I will not use this sacred day and this sacred pulpit to address a lie when I have a chance to preach a truth,” Jakes continues, speaking above the thunderous ovation of the crowd.

“I will preach the unadulterated, infallible word of God while standing straight, head up, and back straight,” he continues.

He said, “I am not here to convince anybody because I know who I am,” while facing the camera.

With his comment, “But there will be a time,” the pastor did leave the door open for further statements.

The statement, “So you can stop arguing with people…and just log off,” was directed at his supporters.

The statements follow reports that Jakes often attended events that Diddy sponsored.

In an exclusive statement released Thursday, Jordan A. Hora, executive director of public relations and communications for the T.D. Jakes Group, T.D. Jakes Ministries and The Potter’s House said, “Recent claims circulating on pockets of social media about Bishop T.D. Jakes are unequivocally false and baseless.”

“The statement ‘If you want the truth to go round the world you must hire an express train to pull it, but if you want a lie to go round the world it will fly; it is as light as a feather, and a breath will carry it’ has always been true,” said the late Pastor Charles H. Spurgeon.

The popular videos have been referred to be “deepfakes” and a “distortion of words” by the pastor’s representative.

The spokeswoman said, “The Bible teaches us the importance of compassion and care for others, especially those who may be marginalized or in need. Much more important work must be done to create a better world.”

Chairman Jakes will not return from his ongoing commitment to bringing about significant change for millions worldwide, guided by the ageless values of compassion, service, and ministry, despite erroneous, twisted, naive, and conspiratorial rumors.


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