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Biden repeats questionable claim he frequented Blackchurch during civil rights movement

Biden gave a speech at King’s historic Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta Sunday on what would have been the slain civil rights icon’s 94th birthday. The president opened his remarks by repeating a claim – connecting himself to the civil rights movement – that has been disputed repeatedly in the past.

In his remarks celebrating the birthday of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., President Joe Biden repeated the questionable claim that he frequented a Black church during the civil rights movement.

“Let’s lay one thing to rest. I may be a practicing Catholic, but I used to go to 7:30 Mass every morning in high school and then in college before I went to the Black church,” 

– Biden said.

During his 2020 presidential campaign, Biden frequently mentioned how he would help organize anti-segregation protests at Union Baptist Church, a prominent Black church led by the late Rev. Otis Herring in Wilmington, Delaware.

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Written by Aliyah Collins