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Biden and Harris initiate Black voter outreach with the message: ‘Are you with me?’ and caution against a second Trump term

Biden and Harris initiate Black voter outreach with the message: ‘Are you with me?’ and caution against a second Trump term

Biden and Harris initiate Black voter outreach with the message: ‘Are you with me?’ and caution against a second Trump term. President Joe Biden visited Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on Wednesday, where he spoke at a predominantly Black boarding school, Girard College, as part of a summer-long effort to engage with Black voters. He thanked Black voters for their support in the 2020 election and highlighted his administration’s achievements, such as record funding for historically Black colleges and universities, student loan debt forgiveness, and pardons for simple possession of marijuana.

Biden also criticized his predecessor, Donald Trump, calling him “unhinged” and accusing him of peddling misinformation and promoting anger, resentment, and hate. He warned that a second Trump presidency would pose a threat to the country and cited Trump’s past racial controversies, including his response to the Charlottesville white supremacist rally and his attacks on Black politicians and activists.

“I’ll be damned if I’m going to let Donald Trump turn America into a place of anger, resentment, and hate,” Biden said, calling on the crowd to help him and Vice President Kamala Harris win a second term. “My question is a simple one: Are you with me?”

Harris also spoke at the event, emphasizing the importance of the Supreme Court and Trump’s role in shaping it. She noted that Trump’s appointees overturned Roe v. Wade, a landmark abortion rights ruling, and Biden pledged to codify its protections if re-elected.

“The next president is going to be able to appoint a couple justices,” Biden said. “Tell me that won’t change your life.”

The visit to Philadelphia is part of a broader effort by the Biden campaign to engage with Black voters, who have been a crucial constituency for the president. However, his approval rating among Black adults has dropped from 94% to 55% since he took office, according to a recent poll.

Turning out Black voters will be crucial for Biden’s chances in key states like Pennsylvania, Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, and Wisconsin. Trump has been trying to appeal to Black voters by claiming he is a better president for them than Biden, citing his support for historically Black colleges and universities and his criminal justice reform efforts.

However, many Black voters remain skeptical of Trump’s motives and policies, which they see as harmful to their communities. Biden’s campaign is hoping to remind Black voters of his administration’s achievements and to contrast his record with Trump’s.

In addition to his speech at Girard College, Biden also visited with Black business owners at an event space in Philadelphia, where he highlighted his administration’s efforts to support small businesses and promote economic growth.

The Republican National Committee responded to Biden’s visit by attacking his record on the economy and immigration. “No matter how much Biden lies, he cannot gaslight Pennsylvanians into supporting him – his approval ratings are abysmal,” RNC Chair Michael Whatley said. “President Trump continues to lead in polls in Pennsylvania and across the country. Pennsylvanians are ready to Make America Great Again, and they will vote for President Donald J. Trump in November.”


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Written by Anthony Peters