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Al Roker Sued for ignoring DEI at his firm 

Al Roker Sued for ignoring DEI

Al Roker Sued for ignoring DEI at his firm . Al Roker, the beloved “Today” show anchor, and his company, Al Roker Entertainment, are facing a lawsuit filed by former executive producer Bill Schultz. The lawsuit alleges that the company failed to follow a diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) mandate, specifically regarding the animated series “Weather Hunters.” This allegation has sparked a significant debate about the importance of DEI initiatives in the entertainment industry.

Schultz claims that he was “wrongfully and illegally targeted” for termination in 2023 after calling out the company’s failure to properly follow the DEI initiative. The lawsuit states that Al Roker Entertainment “callously disregarded” a PBS DEI program that mandated the inclusion of Black writers on the show. Instead, the company allegedly tried to undermine and avoid the mandate by having Black writers only touch up scripts written by White writers, rather than hiring Black staff writers.

This alleged action is particularly concerning given the show’s purpose. “Weather Hunters” is an animated series aimed at children, and its production team had a unique opportunity to promote diversity and inclusion in a meaningful way. By failing to include Black writers in the production process, Al Roker Entertainment missed a crucial chance to provide representation and role models for young Black viewers.

Schultz is demanding $10 million in damages plus attorneys’ fees from Roker and his company. In a statement to The Hollywood Reporter, Schultz said, “I put nine years of my career into ‘Weather Hunters,’ a project I strongly believe in, with the goal of making a wonderfully crafted show for children to enjoy and learn from. I also believed, and still believe, that the project benefited by creating opportunities for the ‘new voices’ crucial in storytelling and that the ‘Weather Hunters’ production needed to live up to the ideals it was supposed to represent.”

The lawsuit highlights the importance of following DEI mandates in the entertainment industry, particularly in children’s programming. The alleged actions of Al Roker Entertainment undermine the very purpose of the show and perpetuate the lack of diversity and inclusion that has long plagued the industry.

PBS, which provided most of the show’s financing, has a DEI program in place to ensure that productions meet certain diversity standards. However, Schultz maintains that Al Roker Entertainment had “total authority” over the series, meaning they signed off on all decisions. This raises questions about the accountability of production companies in following DEI mandates and the consequences of failing to do so.

The entertainment industry has a long history of lacking diversity and inclusion, and this lawsuit serves as a reminder of the need for accountability and transparency in following DEI mandates. Productions like “Weather Hunters” have a unique opportunity to promote diversity and inclusion in a meaningful way, and it is essential that they take this responsibility seriously.

“I put nine years of my career into ‘Weather Hunters,’ a project I strongly believe in, with the goal of making a wonderfully crafted show for children to enjoy and learn from,” Schultz told The Hollywood Reporter in a statement.

Al Roker Entertainment has yet to comment on the lawsuit, but the allegations are serious and could have significant implications for the company and the entertainment industry as a whole. The case serves as a reminder of the need for accountability and transparency in following DEI mandates and promoting diversity and inclusion in all aspects of production.

In conclusion, the lawsuit against Al Roker Entertainment highlights the importance of following DEI mandates in the entertainment industry, particularly in children’s programming. The alleged actions of the company undermine the purpose of the show and perpetuate the lack of diversity and inclusion in the industry. The case serves as a reminder of the need for accountability and transparency in following DEI mandates and promoting diversity and inclusion in all aspects of production.


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