Bhad Bhabie has once again found herself at the center of controversy after releasing a diss track titled Overcooked, targeting Alabama Barker. In the song, she accuses the social media personality of being romantically involved with multiple rappers, including Tyga, and even claims that Barker was once pregnant with Soulja Boy’s child. The explosive allegations sparked immediate backlash, with everyone mentioned in the track coming forward to deny the claims none more vocally than Soulja Boy, who has even hinted at legal action against Bhad Bhabie.
Soulja Boy, known for his brash online persona, took to Instagram to shut down the rumors. The Crank That rapper made it clear that he has never been involved with Alabama Barker and questioned why his name was dragged into the feud in the first place.
“Why the fck you got my name in your mouth for?” he demanded, visibly frustrated. He went on to mock Bhad Bhabie’s credibility and turned the tables on her by bringing up past allegations of domestic abuse involving the father of her child.
“Ain’t your baby daddy beating the fck out you every day? Don’t you got black eyes every time you go live?” he remarked.
Soulja Boy is no stranger to rap feuds, having previously clashed with big names like Ice-T and Drake. However, this time, he appears determined to take the matter beyond online banter. He accused Bhad Bhabie of lying and misrepresenting him in a way that could damage his reputation. “Defamation of character,” he stated firmly. “I need $10 million cash.”
He went on to warn Bhad Bhabie that if she continued to mention his name falsely, he would take legal action. “You don’t know me, I don’t know you. You don’t know sh*t about me,” he asserted.
Meanwhile, others implicated in the diss track have also denied the claims. Alabama Barker insisted she has never even met Tyga or Soulja Boy, while Tyga himself responded with a TikTok video featuring the “cap” emoji, implying that Bhad Bhabie’s statements were completely false.
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