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Barack Obama Raises $4 Million for Kamala Harris at LA fundraiser

On Friday night, former President Barack Obama headlined his first solo fundraising event for Kamala Harris in Los Angeles, successfully raising an impressive $4 million for her presidential campaign. In his address, Obama framed the upcoming election as a critical struggle against what he described as “radical forces” in America that threaten to take the country backward.

This event marks a significant moment in Obama’s increasingly active role in supporting Harris as she seeks to energize grassroots fundraising and mobilize younger voters. With the race projected to be incredibly tight, his involvement is seen as vital for swaying the electorate, particularly in light of recent polling that suggests the margins could be razor-thin.

Harris’s campaign has already begun to utilize clips from Obama’s speech at the Democratic National Convention, where he humorously pointed out Donald Trump’s “weird obsession with crowd sizes.” This strategy serves to undermine the Republican nominee just ahead of the anticipated debate between Harris and Trump, showcasing the collaborative efforts between the two prominent Democratic figures.

According to reports from Obama’s office, his fundraising efforts throughout the current presidential campaign cycle have generated at least $76 million. This substantial financial support reflects not only his popularity within the Democratic Party but also the urgency for robust fundraising as the election date approaches.

In just a short time since entering the race, Harris has established a significant cash advantage over Trump. Recent filings with the Federal Election Commission revealed that in August alone, she raised more than four times the amount Trump did during the same period. This financial momentum is crucial as both candidates prepare for the challenges that lie ahead.

The private fundraiser was hosted at the Los Angeles home of James Costos, a former U.S. ambassador to Spain and Andorra during Obama’s presidency, along with his partner, Michael S. Smith, who served as the White House decorator. Before an intimate gathering of over 65 guests, Obama delivered a poignant message, arguing that the nation is at “a crossroads.” He pointed to demographic shifts, globalization, and the information revolution as factors that have disrupted the traditional order and left the country vulnerable to the seductive appeals of fear and division.

Obama characterized Harris’s campaign as a vital effort to combat these destructive forces and promote a vision of an economy that ensures “everybody has enough.” He emphasized the importance of framing societal changes not as a zero-sum game, where one group’s gain translates to another’s loss, but rather as opportunities for collective growth. “That’s what my election was about back in 2008,” Obama reflected, highlighting the ongoing struggle to shift toward a more inclusive and equitable society.

The former president also underscored his long-standing friendship with Harris, noting that she is capable of restoring America’s standing on the world stage and making the nation proud. He expressed a vision where free markets and personal liberties coexist with a more compassionate and generous approach to governance.

Obama and Harris’s relationship dates back to when he was running for the Senate in Illinois, with Harris becoming one of his earliest supporters during his 2008 presidential bid. Since then, she has sought his counsel as Vice President and now as a candidate for the presidency. Their close collaboration has intensified, especially following Biden’s withdrawal from the race, with Obama offering strategic advice and mobilizing efforts to ensure voter turnout.

Both Harris and Obama have faced similar criticisms from Trump and the conservative right concerning their mixed-race backgrounds. Trump’s unfounded claims about Obama’s birthplace and attempts to question Harris’s eligibility reflect a troubling pattern of racial and ethnic discrimination. However, both leaders have demonstrated resilience in the face of such attacks, with Harris effectively rebutting Trump’s comments about her racial identity during interviews.

Attendees of the Los Angeles fundraiser included prominent figures such as Netflix co-CEO Ted Sarandos and his wife, Nicole Avant, as well as actress Jennifer Coolidge and comedian Conan O’Brien. These influential supporters are crucial for rallying additional grassroots momentum and financial backing for Harris’s campaign.

During his remarks, Obama candidly acknowledged the complexities of the electoral landscape, stating he wished he had a simple plan to secure victory. “Truthfully, the plan is we’re going to push through it,” he asserted. He emphasized that winning the election would not erase the underlying challenges facing the nation, but each victory would contribute to solidifying a new future and fostering new possibilities.

In conclusion, Obama’s active involvement in Harris’s campaign represents a critical turning point in the upcoming election. His ability to galvanize support and generate substantial financial backing underscores the importance of unity within the Democratic Party as they face a formidable opponent in Trump. As the election approaches, the collaboration between these two influential figures will be pivotal in shaping the narrative and mobilizing voters across the country.

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