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Joy Reid: Biden surviving COVID is as badass as Trump surviving an assassination attempt

Biden surviving COVID is as badass as Trump

Biden surviving COVID is as badass as Trump. MSNBC host claims Biden surviving COVID is just as badass as Trump surviving an assassination attempt. This comparison highlights the host’s strong support for Biden’s resilience.

MSNBC host Joy Reid and former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki are facing intense backlash for their controversial suggestion that President Joe Biden’s recovery from COVID-19 is equivalent to former President Donald Trump’s survival of an assassination attempt.

On her Wednesday broadcast, Reid posed a question to Psaki, highlighting the similarities between the two situations.

“These two men are both elderly. Donald Trump is an elderly man who, for whatever reason, was given nine seconds to take a… iconic photo op during an active shooter situation – weird situation, we’ll figure that out one day,” Reid said.

Reid continued, “But his survival of that, and bouncing right back and going right to his convention, is being conveyed in the media world as a sign of strength. This – current President of the United States is 81 years old and has COVID. Should he be fine in a couple of days, doesn’t that convey exactly the same thing? That he’s strong enough – older than Trump – to have gotten something that used to really be fatal to people his age. So if he does fine out of it and comes back and he rallies, isn’t that exactly the same?”

Psaki agreed with Reid’s assessment, stating, “It should. It should.” However, their comparison has been met with widespread ridicule and disbelief.

Many are pointing out the obvious differences between the two situations, with one being a life-threatening attack and the other being a common illness, particularly for someone of Biden’s age. Critics argue that equating the two instances diminishes the severity of the assassination attempt on Trump and trivializes the experiences of those who have faced similar life-threatening situations.

The backlash on social media has been swift, with many calling out Reid and Psaki for their “ridiculous” and “tone-deaf” comparison. Some have also accused the pair of trying to downplay the severity of the assassination attempt on Trump, while others have criticized them for attempting to politicize Biden’s COVID-19 diagnosis.

Despite the backlash, Reid and Psaki have not yet issued any statements or apologies for their comments. Their remarks have sparked a larger conversation about the media’s role in shaping public perception and the importance of responsible reporting.

In the meantime, both Trump and Biden continue to receive support from their respective bases, with many Republicans praising Trump’s resilience and many Democrats wishing Biden a speedy recovery. The incident has also highlighted the intense polarization in American politics, with many on both sides of the aisle quick to defend their preferred candidate and criticize the other.

As the political landscape continues to evolve, it remains to be seen how this incident will impact the public’s perception of both Trump and Biden. One thing is certain, however – the comparison made by Reid and Psaki has sparked a heated debate that is unlikely to subside anytime soon.


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Written by Darnell Simmons

Investigative Journalist, social analysis