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Biden considered resigning ‘in protest’ over Obama’s Afghanistan policy: Robert Hur 

Biden considered resigning as vice president

President Biden considered resigning as vice president. The recently revealed consideration by President Biden to resign as vice president in protest over former President Barack Obama’s Afghanistan policies in 2009 adds a layer of complexity to the narrative of America’s involvement in the region.

Special Counsel Robert Hur’s report on Biden’s handling of classified documents not only exposes the internal tensions within the Obama administration but also provides insight into Biden’s personal convictions and concerns regarding the war in Afghanistan.

In the “Af/Pak” notebook cited in the report, Biden’s handwritten notes convey a sense of internal struggle and ethical dilemma.

“Tomorrow the President is going to make a fateful decision regarding Afghanistan – as I sat looking out the window at the sea – thinking I should resign in protest over what will bring his administration down,” Biden wrote during a National Security Council meeting in 2009.

This revelation underscores the gravity of the decisions being made and the consequential nature of the Afghanistan policies at that time.

Biden’s contemplation of resignation reveals a profound sense of responsibility and conviction. He expresses guilt for not being more successful in influencing the president’s decision and acknowledges feeling boxed in by the potential consequences of his resignation.

The comparison to the early days of the Vietnam War adds historical weight to Biden’s internal struggle, reflecting the deep concerns he harbored about the trajectory of the conflict in Afghanistan.

Throughout 2009, Biden vehemently opposed the administration’s plans to send additional troops to Afghanistan. Entries in his notebook and a memo found at his Delaware home, alongside marked classified documents, attest to his strong stance against what he deemed a “f—ing outrageous” request for 40,000 more troops.

This opposition was not merely bureaucratic; it reflected Biden’s deeply held belief that such a troop surge would be disastrous and draw parallels to the Vietnam War.

The report suggests that Biden’s retention of classified documents was motivated by a desire to establish a record that he was right about Afghanistan and to counter his critics. He wanted to show that he had forcefully opposed President Obama’s decision, emphasizing the gravity of his convictions on this matter. This motive, however, raises concerns about the handling of sensitive information and its potential impact on national security.

The revelation that Biden continued to retain marked classified documents and unmarked classified handwritten notes after his vice presidency is a focal point of the report. The report contends that Biden had no legal authority to do so and that his retention of these materials, along with the disclosure of classified information to his ghostwriter, risked serious damage to America’s national security. This aspect of the report raises questions about the ethical and legal responsibilities of public officials in handling classified information, even after leaving office.

As the report brings these details to light, it adds nuance to the ongoing discussions about Biden’s foreign policy decisions, particularly in the context of the recent U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. The internal struggles and debates within the Obama administration, as revealed in the report, shed light on the complexity of decision-making processes at the highest levels of government.


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Written by Aliyah Collins