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Wajahat Ali calls Nikki Haley ‘perfect Manchurian candidate’ for white supremacists

Political commentator Wajahat Ali slammed GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley as an “alpha Karen with brown skin” and the “perfect Manchurian candidate” for white supremacists and racists.

On Sunday’s episode of MSNBC’s “The Mehdi Hasan Show,” Ali, who’s also a playwright, explained why he was “disgusted” by Haley, the daughter of two Indian immigrants who has been criticized for trying to play both sides of MAGA nationalist and unifier with her campaign launch.

“Instead of pulling us up from the bootstraps, and pulling others from the bootstrap, we’re told to take your boot and put it on the neck of poor browns, immigrants, refugees, and Black folks,”

Ali said of the former GOP South Carolina governor and Trump-era U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.

Ali further characterized Haley as an “alpha-Karen with brown skin” and ​said she is the “perfect Manchurian candidate” for white supremacists and bigots.

Ali, a Pakistani American and author of the book “Go Back To Where You Came From: And Other Helpful Recommendations on How to Become American” argued that Haley’s parents benefited from the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, which was strongly supported by civil rights activists.

“Her father came here because he was a professor, he taught at a historically black college in South Carolina. That’s how she became the proud American that she is​,” said Ali, also a contributing op-ed writer to the New York Times.

Haley, ​51, the former South Carolina governor, announced her bid last week to challenge former President Donald Trump for the Republican nomination in 2024.

Haley made note of her Indian heritage in the video announcing her candidacy and described growing up in a racially segregated town.​

“I was the proud daughter of Indian immigrants — not black, not white. I was different,” she said.

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Written by Jamil Johnson